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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

I REMEMBER Photomonth_kropki_duze

Rut Blees Luxembourg


I remember that in one of Gilbert’s novels the ambiguity of the very last sentence rescues the story from triviality and transforms it into a challenge, as if the reader were asked to allow for the plot to condense into a witticism. Is this the ultimate twist?






I remember, b. 2006

I remember thinking that you were a serious young man and that I was a serious middle-aged man who felt like a child among grown-ups. We would be very silly together in a good way. Would we not be an ideal mismatch? The mismatch would be visible to the world. Its ideality not so. It would be our secret. You: young and slim. Me: old and fat. You: sweet and dumb. Me: twisted and bright. You: plain and camp. Me: imaginative and elegant. You: full of surprises. Me: full of shit. Who would have thought?
Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, ul. Krakowska 46
open: 14.05–12.06; TUE, WED, FRI, SAT: 11:00–19:00, THU: 11:00–21:00, SUN: 11:00–15:00