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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

LESTER B. MORRISON Photomonth_kropki_duze

Lester B.Morrison

Lester B. Morrison House of Coates Bed Wall, detail, 2011





Lester B. Morrison, b.1968, grew up in a suburb of the Twin Cities. He had an unhappy childhood. Something, he has claimed, happened. After a failed attempt to attain an associate degree in videography from a local community college, he began to lose interest. As the years passed, this became an increasingly deliberate perhaps even vocational strategy. By his own stubborn admission, Lester is a man who has let things slide. He has lived in various locations in the Midwest and South, and had a brief, failed period of cohabitation with a nursing home assistant in Missouri. Lester has worked in light industrial operations that produced mud flaps, electric razors, and patio umbrellas. None of these jobs has lasted long. His present whereabouts are unknown, but he has been rumored to be living, with a woman and a dog, in a storage facility in Southeast Iowa.

Pauza Gallery, ul. Floriańska 18/5 (2nd Floor)
open: 14.05–12.06; TUE–SUN: 15:00–21:00