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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

IVAN P. Photomonth_kropki_duze


Lisa Brice_Ivan P.

Ivan P. Be Careful But Don’t be Afraid, 2011






Ivan P., b. 3 May 1968, Pretoria, South Africa, is a former (“lapsed,” he insists) art critic working as a news journalist and correspondent. He is the author of two books, Strange Weather (2001), a novel, and Inaccurate Truths (2005), a collection of disassembled journalistic portraits of noted Southern African public figures, including Robert Mugabe and J. M. Coetzee. An art history graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in the mid-1990s he published the short-lived art magazine Parvenu. Since 2002 he has been a senior profile writer for the Johannesburg weekly, The Bastion. He lives in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and has a son, Max. 

Ivan P. produced this series of images in Zimbabwe on his mobile telephone while retracing the steps of the famous turn-of-the-century landscape painter, Pierneef. He has also included a series of dollar bills collected along his journey.
ZPAF i S-ka Gallery, ul. św. Tomasza 24
open: 14.05–12.06;  TUE, WED, FRI–SUN: 12:00–18:00, THU: 15:00–21:00