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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

EZEKIEL STARK Photomonth_kropki_duze


Film stills (from a research presentation by Ezekiel Stark at the Alumni Auditorium, Colombia University Medical Center, on 18 March 1985)






Ezekiel Stark, b. 1975, Beverly, Mass., Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Peabody Institute for Media Studies, Cambridge, Mass; areas of study include the impact of images on human identity and relationships; photographic self-representations of the American family; and explorations of the 1980s’ ‘new man’. Publications include: You’re a Picture, You’re Not a Picture (Redeye, 2005), The Americans: After Robert Frank (Codex, 2008) and Silence: Weapon and Gift (Anathema Press, 2010). Dr Stark has also published a series of books and games for children under his own Zekeabet imprint. His illustrated ‘Mr. Petey’ books, about a pet praying mantis, have been translated into 13 languages. Dr Stark is currently working on a memoir about his family, including his brother, Dr Hart Stark, a forensic pathologist; his sister, Clover Stark, who has suffered from selective mutism since childhood, and illustrious and notorious ancestors, who count among them American presidents, suicides, and photographers. This lecture was recorded in the Alumni Auditorium, Colombia University Medical Center, on 18 March 1985. It is the first part of a series of two audiovisual presentations by Dr Stark. Due to a technical failure the second lecture was not recorded.

Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, ul. Krakowska 46
open: 14.05–12.06; TUE, WED, FRI, SAT: 11:00–19:00, THU: 11:00–21:00, SUN: 11:00–15:00