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Filmic and photographic: Photomonth in Krakow’s Fifth Day

News date: 2011-05-17

Lecture by Artur Wabik; Photo by Michał Lichtański
Lecture by Artur Wabik; Photo by Michał Lichtański
Midweek is the perfect time to have a look round the exhibitions which you ran out of time for during the weekend openings. But it’s also worth finding the time to participate in our accompanying events. Today – for those who’ve already registered – the self-publishing workshops begin. We’d like to welcome everyone, though, to the Camelot gallery at 18.00 for the presentation of International Nordic-Baltic Schools Project, whose main objective is to improve the quality of photography teaching in the Baltic region. The following will be talking about their experience of international teaching: Julija Berkovica, managing director of the International Summer School of Photography in Latvia, Marge Monko of the Estonian Academy of Fine Arts and artistic director of the Photo Month in Tallinn, Ismo Luukkonen, Director of Photography at the Visual Arts Department of the Tallinn Art Academy. The speakers will also be presenting works by their students. 
At 19.00, though,  at the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology invites you to the next screening of films directed by Antonia Lerch: Three photographers – Grete Stern and Three Photographers – Ellen Auerbach. Grete Stern began her career as a photographer in Germany, but after the Nazis came to power, she emigrated to London, and later moved to Buenos Aires, where her studio became a meeting place for local artistic bohemians. The artist herself then took portraits of Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, and Clement Moreau, among others. Her significant achievements include the documentation of the lives of the Indians in the province of Gran Chaco. The protagonist of the second film, Ellen Auerbach, was Grete Stern’s accomplice. The artists ran a photographic studio together in Berlin and London, and after Stern’s departure to Brazil, Auerbach decided to live in the United States. There she began to work with “Time” magazine, and also documented architecture and lifestyle in Mexico.
Admission to the Nordic-Baltic project presentation and the film screenings is free.
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