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“Reading the Image” – on today at Klub Pauza

News date: 2010-05-20

We have a week-long marathon of meetings in the Klub Pauza basements ahead of us! Reading the Image is a chance to meet and talk with publishers, authors of photographic books, and multimedia artists.

Today, Fundacja Pauza, Galeria f5 & the Księgarnia Fotograficzna’s guests will be Jolanta and Waldemar Śliwczyńscy, the owners of the Kropka publishing house and known for their many publishing initiatives, such as the quarterly "Fotografia". Walder Śliwczyński is an outstanding photographer, member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers, author, co-author and editor of many books (including “September in Old Postcards”, “Why Photography?”, "Factory Images", Eva Rubinstein's "Photographs", and Bogdan Konopka's "De rerum natura"). Photography at Kropka, which is today’s meeting, will take place at 7 pm.

And at 5 pm in the Galeria Camelot, Krystian Bielatowicz – photographer, archaeologist, and traveller – will be presenting the new MagnesPhoto portal which has been designed for professional photographers.

MagnesPhoto was created as a place to present their profiles and also a source for tools for multimedia presentations created by them. It can simultaneously works as the photographer’s website with a web address chosen by him or her, and as a site for selling photos and photographic equipment.

In the evening, between 8 and 10 pm, in a cosier atmosphere, or perhaps at the bar with a glass of wine, we encourage you to listen to Tok FM’s radio programme Upheaval in the world. Małgorzata Radkiewicz and GraĹźyna Kubica’s guests will be Małgosia Szczurek and Krzysztof Miller, who will be talking about the first Polish publication of Susan Sontag's book Regarding the Pain of Others.
Those of you who have been following our schedule carefully will know that a meeting on this very book will be taking place as part of the festival. And so we’d like to recommend the programme even more strongly, because it’s the perfect opportunity to prepare for the discussion on 29th May, when we’d sincerely like you to join us!


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