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Photomonth in Krakow will be opening up in a few days.

News date: 2011-05-06

This year, the Festival is full of innovation, the peak of which is the presence of guest curators Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin. At their initiative, we’ve invited dozens writers and artists who, playing with identity, have together created biographies of fictitious artists and their works. 

In response to this somewhat differently structured Main Festival Programme, the accompanying publication has also changed: this year we haven’t put together a traditional catalogue or album which commemorates all the Festival’s exhibitions. Their place has been taken by a separate book which presents the literary side of this year's Photomonth. It presents the full biographies of the Aliases, written by well-known artists and writers, allowing Festival participants to learn about the stories and personalities of the imaginary artists, and perhaps also enabling them to guess the true creators of the works on display. 
As well as the traditional programme leaflet, we would like to suggest our festival guide to you: a compendium of all the exhibitions, locations, and accompanying events and people involved in Photomonth in Krakow. 
The changes also include the Festival’s accompanying events. This year, we have created two major thematic blocks: the first, dedicated to self-publishing, and the second, a careful focus on the issues associated with photography collecting, its value and standing in the art market. This division also covers the schedule for the meetings, presentations and workshops held during this year's Photomonth. The accompanying events will be going on until the end of May – and the Festival itself this year closes on June 12.
Welcome to Krakow!
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