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Tomorrow in Warsaw, and on Friday in Krakow: Photomonth in Krakow!

News date: 2011-05-11

Photo by Another Photographer
He was not born in Buenos Aires. He has not raised moose in Alaska. He did not run away from home. His mother did not commit suicide. He did not dwell in a squat in Amsterdam. He does not ride a bike. He is not interested in the arts. He is not a vegetarian. He does not play the guitar and does not want to play the ukulele. He has no difficulty defining his own sexual identity. He does not want to be just another photographer. He does not want you to come to his exhibition. 
This is all we know of the artist to whose exhibition, we’d like to invite you. Another Photographer is the chosen name of this young photographer, whose work may be seen from tomorrow in an ex-butcher’s shop in Ĺťoliborz at ul. Generała Zajączka 8 in Warsaw. The choice of location is no accident: it’s the building his grandparents lived in. The artist himself has returned to the country after many years abroad, and is exhibiting his work for the first time in the country of his forefathers. 
The opening of the “PortfolioNOW” exhibition is a Warsaw event accompanying Photomonth in Krakow and is taking place on the day before the opening of the Krakow Festival. During the vernissage, there will be music from members of the Lado ABC label, and the photographer will be discussed by the exhibition’s creator, Gil Mac. 
exhibition vernissage: 12.05 at 19.00
TUE–SUN 12–19
Admission free
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