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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

ACCOMPANYING EVENTS 2011 Photomonth_kropki_duze

This year’s accompanying events fill the Photomonth in Kraków programme to the brim. We focus on two concepts we think are worthy of ongoing promotion and discussion. The first is collecting. The market will not reach maturity without suitable stimulation, so we’ll be attempting to popularise knowledge of collecting photography and promote best standards. The second block is devoted to the concept of self-publishing low print-runs of books and albums at the author’s cost, popular elsewhere around the world yet relatively unknown in Poland. We hope that the series of meetings, lectures and workshops will convince participants that self-publishing is not only simple and cheap, but also that it is a great idea.

Permanent fixtures in the programme include Slide Nite, an evening outdoor screening of reportage photography; Portfolio Reviews providing an opportunity for young artists to put up their creative output for professional review; film portraits

of photographers prepared by Dom Norymberski; and a block of workshops aiming to help develop practical skills, organised by the Academy of Photography. 

The list of Accompanying Events is complemented by meetings with artists and photography collectives, and book presentations. And there are of course various other events and concerts, without which our festival wouldn’t be the same.