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showOFF 2013
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PHOTOMONTH IN KRAKOW — 2012 Photomonth_kropki_duze

FAMILY ALBUM Photomonth_kropki_duze

Paulina Capała, Agnieszka Pajączkowska, Zuza Sikorska, Alicja Szulc, Łukasz Czapski, Krzysztof Pacholak / Association of Creative Initiatives “ę”
Family Album
Family Album, Association of Creative Initiatives “ę”
In our activities, photography is about telling: about yourself, about others, about your immediate reality. A photo album is an important record of family history – known very well to all.
We invited the inhabitants of Krakow to make a creative interpretation of a photo album and family photography. We encourage them to photograph their loved ones, in order to look at each other more closely. Workshop meetings with experienced organisers and artists will help participants open up to unconventional uses of the camera and find uniqueness in apparently everyday situations. After every series of workshops the participants will hang up more family photographs and the stories that go with them. The “family album” created in this way will be open to everybody who would like to include their photo and its story.
We will also present five photographic projects prepared by young artists, graduates of the Polska.doc project, who in their work tackle the subject of family and family photographs.
Family Album: Collecting stories / add your photo
19.05–17.06 TUE–FRI: 16:00–18:00, SAT–SUN: 13:00–15:00
Bring along your family album and join in the creation of the exhibition!
Family Album 
I 19–20.05, 11:00–15:00; 27.05, 11:00–13:00
Hosts: Krzysztof Pacholak, Zuza Sikorska
II 26–27.05, 11:00–15:00;  2.06, 11:00–13:00
Hosts: Paulina Capała, Łukasz Czapski
III 2–3.06, 11:00–15:00; 9.06, 11:00–13:00
Hosts: Alicja Szulc, Zuza Sikorska
10.06, 11:00–15:00 conclusion
Openings of photographic projects: Family Album
19.05, 17:00 Krzysztof Pacholak (20.05–24.05)
25.05 17:00 Karolina Jonderko (26.05–29.05)
30.05 17:00 Agnieszka Kokowska (31.05–3.06)
5.06 17:00 Michał Dąbrowski (6.05–10.06)
12.06 17:00 Dorota Zyguła-Siemieńska (13.06–17.06)