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You can still sign up for the self-publishing workshops!

News date: 2011-05-15

Self Publish, Be Happy – installation/library, Bruno Ceschel & Sarah Entwistle;
Photo by Basia Budniak
Yesterday’s lecture on self-publishing by Bruno Ceschel attracted more participants than could fit into Galeria Camelot & FIM. Ceschel introduced festival guests to the basic concepts behind self-publishing, and together with Sarah Entwistle prepared a library installation especially for the Festival, which can be viewed at the Festival Office.
But this was just the beginning of this year’s Festival’s major thematic block devoted to self-publishing. This coming week we can warmly recommend the four-day workshops – after attending anyone can become a self-publisher! Each day will be devoted to subsequent stages of the process. 
The workshops kick off on 16 May with an open lecture by Artur Wabik at Galeria Camelot, and from 17 May workshop participants will learn about the different stages of the self-publishing process under a watchful eye of specialists. At the first workshop Andrzej Kramarz will describe the process of selecting materials for creating a photobook and developing a consistent story through the language of photography. The next workshop, hosted by Ela Żubrowska, will introduce the methods of graphic manipulation and alterations. The third day will feature book design, from arranging photos on pages to the basics of typography. All essentials in preparing the publication for print will be introduced by Anna Nałęcka. The workshop cycle will culminate with Artur Wabik introducing participants to the secrets of printing and binding, and explaining the principles behind ozalids and proofs. Come and join us!
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